Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Welcome
  • 2
    • Orientation
    • Success By Your Design Blueprint
    • Sales Funnel Success Checklist
  • 3
    Module 1: Build Strong Relationships and the Money Will Flow
    • Welcome
    • How To Get Them To Know, Love & Trust Them
    • How To Share And Where
    • Authenticity, What Is It?
    • Having A Message, They'll Share
    • Module 1 Action Plan
    • Module 1 Checklist List
    • Week 1 Live Call
    • Module 1 Q&A Call
  • 4
    Module 2: Turning Clients into Raving Fans With A Funnel Strategy That You'll Love
    • Welcome
    • Filling Your Offer Suite With Your Signature System
    • Filling The Gap Workbook
    • Creating An Offer Suite That Puts Your Best Forward
    • Preparing Your Funnel For Retention & Longevity
    • Mapping Your Funnel Strategy
    • Week 2 Live Call Info
    • Module 2 Action Plan
    • Module 2 Checklist
  • 5
    Module 3: Where To Find Your Pricing and Positioning Sweet Spot
    • Welcome To Module 3
    • Important Reminder
    • Making Sure Your Funnel Fits While Standing Out
    • Foolproof Pricing
    • Increasing Your Value Without Increasing Your Workload
    • Using Your Funnel To Grow Your Village
    • Week 3 Live Call
  • 6
    Module 4: Build Your Automated Booking Funnel
    • Welcome
    • The Moving Pieces Of The Automated Booking Funnel
    • The Makings Of A Great Lead Magnet
    • Setting Up Your Call To Action Video Script
    • Video Sales Script (c) Corporate Curves
    • Nurturing Your New Leads
    • Swipe File: Nurture Sequence
    • Bonus: The Beyonce Funnel: See The ABF In Action
    • Email Sequence Flow
  • 7
    Module 5: Build Your Specific Offer Funnel
    • Welcome
    • The Moving Pieces Of The Specific Offer Funnel
    • Using Live Stream As A Lead Magnet
    • Taking Your Leading From Warm To Sizzling Hot
  • 8
    Module 6: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone to Make Powerful Connections
    • Welcome
    • The Power Of Connections
    • Seven Tips For Building An Offline Tribe
    • There Is Power In The Follow Up
  • 9
    Email Templates
    • Lead Conversion Sequence © Corporate Curves, LLC
    • New Subscriber Sequence © Corporate Curves LLC
    • Sell Your Ish Email Templates © Corporate Curves LLC
    • Relationship Style Email Templates © Corporate Curves LLC
  • 10
    Booked To The Max Discussion Board
    • Discussion Board